
Dot Icon Rug

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Our classic patterned woven rug Dot Icon, made in pure wool, is available in an exclusive color palette inspired by nature. Its small dots form a discreet pattern that looks like a solid surface. But look closer, and you will notice a refined structural pattern. The colors are reminiscent of burnt terracotta and silver shimmering treetops, warm and cold tones in an elegant composition. Originating from the Häggå-family, these timeless classics with small-scaled patterns fit every room or space.

Woven rug in pure wool

Dusty Grey, Silver Green, Blue Creek, Burnt Terracotta, Raw Umber

Suggested sizes: 90x240 cm, 140x200 cm, 170x240 cm, 200x300 cm, 250x350 cm, 300x400 cm, 350x450 cm

Custom made sizes: choose width between 70-600 cm and any length.