Le Klint

The Bouquet 7 Shades Pendant Light

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THE BOUQUET 7 shades pendant.

THE BOUQUET pendants and chandeliers hangs beautifully in any home. When they are over a dining table, they illuminate the entire surface. THE BOUQUET gives a warm ambient light when one uses a dimmer switch, to create that cozy - light glow in a corner.

Sinja created THE BOUQUET lamp series with the intention of embracing Nordic elegance and aesthetics. The combination of rustic braided flax textile electrical wires, oak details and LE KLINT precision pleating patterns, has been fused together to emphasize a softer organic expression.

THE BOUQUET series, in all its sizes, guarantees a pendant and a chandelier for every home. 

Lampshade Foil or Paper

Medium: Ø: 65cm, H: 45cm
Large: Ø: 85cm, H: 85cm 
XL: Ø: 100cm, H: 120cm 
