
Stripe Icon Rug

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Our classic patterned woven rug Stripe Icon, made in pure wool, is available in an exclusive color palette inspired by nature. Stripe Icon has taken inspiration from the ridge and furrows in the field and how nature shifts in the early morning light. Natural patterns interact in soft and warm colors, with adjacent tones creating the illusion of a relief pattern. Originating from the Häggå-family, these timeless classics with small-scaled patterns fit every room or space.

Woven rug in pure wool

Linen Beige, Straw Yellow, Griffin Grey, Green Field, Bark Brown

Suggested sizes: 90x240 cm, 140x200 cm, 170x240 cm, 200x300 cm, 250x350 cm, 300x400 cm, 350x450 cm

Custom made sizes: choose width between 70-600 cm and any length.